Betta Fish Care Guide

Live Animals

Betta Fish Care Guide

Betta Fish Facts & Tips

2 ½ inches (not including tail)
2 ½ inches (not including tail)
3 - 5 years
3 - 5 years
6+ types! The most common is the "veil tail."
Tail Shapes
6+ types! The most common is the "veil tail."


  • Betta Fish are carnivores. Meat-based foods like flakes, pellets, freeze-dried worms, and frozen food are the best choice for Bettas.
  • Bloodworms and Brine Shrimp are nutritional treats; however, feed in moderation to prevent obesity.
  • Only feed as much as the fish can consume in 1-2 minutes. Always remove uneaten food.



  • Single male Bettas require a tank of 1 gallon or larger, equipped with a secure lid. While they are known for jumping, their labyrinth organ allows them to breathe from the surface. Avoid completely sealed containers to provide proper ventilation.
  • Male Bettas can coexist with non-aggressive fish in a community tank of 10 gallons or more. Introduce species like Neons, Rasboras, catfish, and algae eaters. Ensure the tank has plenty of space, plants, and decorations. However, remember that individual Bettas have different temperaments; monitor their behavior closely.
  • Female Bettas can live together in a community tank of 20 gallons or larger, given ample hiding places. Alternatively, single female Bettas thrive in tanks of 1 gallon or more with a secure lid, providing them a safe and comfortable environment.

Décor & Accessories

Décor & Accessories

  • Provide soft, artificial plants. Avoid any décor that has sharp edges or small holes that your fish can become trapped in.
  • Live plants are great for aquariums. Not only do they provide great hiding places. They provide natural filtration in your aquarium and extra oxygen..
  • Ask a Pet Expert at your local Pet Supermarket which plants will be best for your setup.



  • Bettas are known for being inquisitive and can even learn to respond to their human companions. You may find that your fish greets you as you walk towards their habitat or swims to the surface waiting for food.
  • A floating bubble nest is a sign of a happy male Betta.

Betta Fish Shop

Betta Fish Shop

Ensuring the health and happiness of your betta fish is made easy with our top-quality betta fish supplies, designed to meet their unique needs for clean water, proper nutrition, and a comfortable environment.