Pet Owner Guide to Caring for a Bearded Dragon

Live Animals

Pet Owner Guide to Caring for a Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragon Facts & Tips

16 - 20"
16 - 20"
8 - 15 years
8 - 15 years
Diurnal (active during the day and sleeps at night)
Diurnal (active during the day and sleeps at night)
Subtle hissing noises when upset
Noise Factor
Subtle hissing noises when upset
Good for children with adult supervision
Good with Children
Good for children with adult supervision

Behavior & Handling

Behavior & Handling

  • Hands down, the bearded dragon (“beardie”) is the best pet lizard on the market
  • They love to be held, don’t get too large and have an overall great temperament.
  • Children love to watch them eat – they are voracious in eating their crickets as well as their veggies!
  • The name “bearded dragon” comes from the lizard’s ability to puff out its throat and have it turn black when threatened or when trying to attract a mate. This attribute is found in both males and females but is more prevalent is males.



  • Bearded dragon’s change their diet throughout their lives. A baby to juvenile bearded dragon’s diet consists of a higher ratio of insects to veggies. The diet should consist of:
    • Appropriately sized* insects (crickets, dubia roaches, super worms, hornworms, and silkworms) fed daily
    • Fresh veggies can be provided 1-2 times a week (collard greens, dandelion greens & turnip greens)
    • Fresh fruit (Apples, Pears, Bananas)
  • An adult bearded dragon’s diet consists of a higher ratio of veggies to insects. The diet should consist of:
    • Appropriately sized* insects (crickets, mealworms, super worms) fed 2-3x’s weekly
    • Fresh veggies
    • Fresh fruit
  • Fresh water must be always provided. Use a water conditioner to remove chorines and chloramines.

*Insect size fed is relative to the animal’s size. The easiest way to determine the appropriate size crickets is that the size of the cricket shouldn’t be longer than the distance between the eyes of the animal being fed. Mealworms can be safely given to bearded dragons over 6” in total body length. Super worms should only be given to adult bearded dragons.

Caging & Environment

Caging & Environment

  • A minimum of a 20” long tank with screen cover or medium glass reptile habitat.
  • A minimum of a 40-gallon tank is expected for an adult bearded dragon.
  • Provide a thick branch, rocks or mopani wood with plenty of hiding places.
  • For beginners and young bearded dragons — cage carpet and rocks are recommended.
  • Repti-Sand and clay burrowing substrate can be used with adults.
  • UVB lighting and heat are essential for the bearded dragon to process calcium in captivity. Learn more about the proper heating and lighting needs of your beardie with our reptile charts.

Bearded Dragon Shop

Bearded Dragon Shop

Your one-stop destination for everything your scaly companion needs. From top-notch Bearded Dragon supplies to nutritious food and habitat advice, our wide selection offers everything you need for your beardie.